Monday, November 7, 2011

happy anniversary to us...self portrait style!

one year ago yesterday, hubs and i got married in mexico (one of my favies below).  it was the most beautiful wedding ceremony/reception ever (i'm slightly biased)!  for our one year anniversary we desperately wanted to go back but due to our hectic work schedule, it was not in the starts. (i am promised this spring though!)

i left it up to hubs and he came up with a great, relaxing weekend getaway to sandpoint, idaho. it's only and hour and half away but still "touristy" since they have the mountain for the winter and the lake for the summer. we caught it on an off season and had the place to ourselves! we relaxed, shopped, strolled...oh and ate & drank like none other!

above are self portraits of the many places we indulged ourselves...
no. 1 ivano's italian nice to find real italian food. i'm from new york and have gotten quite spoiled when it comes to italian food.
no. 2 eichardt's pub...wish we could have sent more time there. great food and atmosphere.
no. 3 trinity at city beach...this was in our hotel and had great breakfast food and an awesome bar. thanks for the free anniversary dessert!
no. 4 mickduff's...another place i wish we could have spent more time (notice its the bars?!)
no. 5 forty-one south...the company was excellent but the food was eh...nothing a glass (or two) of sauvignon blanc can't fix!

it was a great weekend with my bestest friend...he's not too bad on the eyes either!

on to year two!


  1. You're blog is so cute!! So glad you're part of the married club too! It's the best!

    xo, Strawberry Moth

  2. i´m happy with your blog. Come to check out mine.

  3. I love your wedding shot! <3 You are such a gorgeous couple!

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  4. Congratulations! And what a precious photo from your wedding. You are stunning.
